[KL] Does anyone moderate this group?
dan@theluthers.net [KurzList]
2018-01-29 16:29:25 UTC
If so, contact me. I'd really like to talk to you...
Jon Hartmann jphartmann@sbcglobal.net [KurzList]
2018-01-29 16:32:26 UTC
i think it's an open true democracy..and yes..some entrys are spaced damn weird.. lines openone word per line WTF?

On Monday, January 29, 2018 8:29 AM, "***@theluthers.net [KurzList]" <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

  If so, contact me. I'd really like to talk to you...

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Charlie Mann crashmann@gmail.com [KurzList]
2018-01-29 16:44:48 UTC
Dennis: we're an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take it in turns to act
as sort of executive officer for the week...
King Arthur: Yes...
Dennis: ...but all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at
a special bi-weekly meeting...
King Arthur: Yes I see...
Dennis: ...by a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs...
King Arthur: Be quiet!
Dennis: ...but by a two thirds majority in the case of more...

If you're concerned about the demise of Yahoo Groups, we may be too late
to the party... Many other groups have successfully migrated to
Groups.io. It's a magical process that slurps up all of the previous
conversations, files, photos, and members from the Yahoo Group, and
imports them into Groups.io

But one of my model railroad folks said that migrations were having
trouble yesterday, and have been temporarily halted. Hopefully a
moderator here can make proper preparations to move us to Groups.io

dan@theluthers.net [KurzList]
2018-01-29 17:07:59 UTC
Since this is taking a bizarre turn...

Spcifically, I'd really like to see that auto-replies and delivery errors (e.g., Raven Clemmons, Baxter Virginia) either don't appear or get removed.

Secondarily, it would be really nice to open up the file and photo upload sections.
Oliver Sampson olsam@quickaudio.com [KurzList]
2018-01-30 13:20:32 UTC
Post by ***@theluthers.net [KurzList]
Secondarily, it would be really nice to open up the file and photo upload sections.
The lack of file and photo upload sections were the reason KurzSounds
was brought into existence. I'd be happy to extinguish that group and
have KL be the main listserv.
Oliver Sampson
Bruno brunorc@gmail.com [KurzList]
2018-01-31 12:19:26 UTC
Post by Oliver Sampson ***@quickaudio.com [KurzList]
The lack of file and photo upload sections were the reason KurzSounds
was brought into existence. I'd be happy to extinguish that group and
have KL be the main listserv.
Could you please define "KurzSounds" and "KL"? I believe many subscribers
would like to join.

Thanks in advance,

Oliver Sampson olsam@quickaudio.com [KurzList]
2018-02-01 12:30:23 UTC
KurzSounds is this group:

KL is KurzList, the group you're reading now.

Post by Oliver Sampson ***@quickaudio.com [KurzList]
The lack of file and photo upload sections were the reason KurzSounds
was brought into existence. I'd be happy to extinguish that group and
have KL be the main listserv.
Could you please define "KurzSounds" and "KL"? I believe many
subscribers would like to join.
Thanks in advance,
Oliver Sampson
Matthew Rubenstein email@mattruby.com [KurzList]
2018-01-29 16:36:48 UTC
Haha, just ask Leota Daugherty, Raven Clemons and the other
dittobots :P.
Post by ***@theluthers.net [KurzList]
If so, contact me. I'd really like to talk to you...
jon kirch jonkirch@comcast.net [KurzList]
2018-01-31 17:19:54 UTC
the group was actively moderated years ago by a guy named Clif who took
it over from some other person ( IIRC !) Clif got fed up over a
discussion that veered off into social/political discourse or something
( again IIRC!)  .. and quit, resigned, stepped back, left ... or some
variation. I think someone took the helm after that though I haven't
seen anyone actually identified as a moderator in a long time.

Yeah, it would be great if just the original post and reply got posted
.... instead of all the other crap that often ends up gumming up the flow
of the thread.

I still reply when I can to questions about the actually operation of
Kurzweils ... midi configurations/ setup / actual use in the studio and
shows .. all that kind of stuff.

A lot of the discussions lately have been more about restoring or
repairing  ... all good and valid questions of course but less about
performance and more about repair ... all good .. just different.

Per info from another  Yahoo group I belong to : Apparently the Digest
version of groups will only publish once there have been a given number
of posts to the group. This means that there can be long gaps in time
between Digests arriving in your in box .... I sort of get why Yahoo
would do this ... ( does it really take of that many resources to just
publish daily Yahoo? ) but the actually day to day result is that the
flow of threads / the actual conversations that take place  ... gets
totally Fvcked with ..... a shame , but oh well.

MY 2 bits
