[KL] Gotek Floppy Drive Emulator
billyhayes@mac.com [KurzList]
2018-09-08 01:18:03 UTC
It turns out Gotek is a Bust for My K2vx. I tried every thing to get the .krz files on the Flash Drive, It is Not working for me. =/ Any Suggestions for MAC OS ?? I need to format the flash for dos floppies with my .krz and .k25 files on them... =/
Gordonjcp gordon@gjcp.net [KurzList]
2018-09-08 13:40:13 UTC
Post by ***@mac.com [KurzList]
It turns out Gotek is a Bust for My K2vx. I tried every thing to get the .krz files on the Flash Drive, It is Not working for me. =/ Any Suggestions for MAC OS ?? I need to format the flash for dos floppies with my .krz and .k25 files on them... =/
Why bother? Just use SCSI...
billyhayes@mac.com [KurzList]
2018-09-08 21:22:11 UTC
SCSI ANYTHING cost a lot o Money for old use stuff. I have a CD rom But it can only read 20% of the CDs I have if that The case I have to pay $170 for a SCSI2SD =/
josejuangallego@yahoo.es [KurzList]
2018-09-08 21:38:09 UTC
I use to sell SCSI gear for a lot if less money in Europe. It is more about patience un the second hand market to find some bargains. SCSI 2SD is great but still not a cheap solution. A SCSI MO Drive is my favourite SCSI Drive for samplers as It is silent, reliable and cold.
billyhayes@mac.com [KurzList]
2018-09-09 01:28:11 UTC
Kinda Like a Syquest.. I running a Macbook Air I have no SCSI or any Drives other then a built in Flash and a SDCX
Jerker Lindborg jerker.lindborg@gmail.com [KurzList]
2018-09-09 01:26:40 UTC
But for future communications, get a scsi memory card wriiter.

Skickat från min iPhone
Post by ***@mac.com [KurzList]
SCSI ANYTHING cost a lot o Money for old use stuff. I have a CD rom But it can only read 20% of the CDs I have if that The case I have to pay $170 for a SCSI2SD =/
David Levitt levitt67@gmail.com [KurzList]
2018-09-09 02:56:56 UTC
I have a few scsi zip drives. Would that help you?
Post by ***@mac.com [KurzList]
SCSI ANYTHING cost a lot o Money for old use stuff. I have a CD rom But
it can only read 20% of the CDs I have if that The case I have to pay $170
for a SCSI2SD =/
billyhayes@mac.com [KurzList]
2018-09-09 03:59:48 UTC
Im Talking about Flash Technology and Not SCSI. The Gotek use a USB Flash Stick in place of Floppies, It Replaces the Floppy Drive. I have a mac book air. There is No SCSI on it Just a SDXC card slot USB3 and Thunderbolt2. I haven't used zip seince the 90's IDK Why Kurzweil used SCSi in 2001 When the Tech Went dead in 1999. I should have Bought hte pc3 over the K2vx, But the pc3 was not too apelling at the time.
Gordonjcp gordon@gjcp.net [KurzList]
2018-09-09 09:46:47 UTC
Post by ***@mac.com [KurzList]
SCSI ANYTHING cost a lot o Money for old use stuff. I have a CD rom But it can only read 20% of the CDs I have if that The case I have to pay $170 for a SCSI2SD =/
The problem with the Gotek units is they don't actually offer any
advantage over using floppies. They work at the same speed and you have
to split samples over multiple "disks", which are fiddly to change.

Just stick a SCSI drive in, or SCSI2SD.
chip_gobs@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2018-09-09 23:28:41 UTC
Yeah, I don't understand the idea that SCSI2SD costs $170.
Looks like it is about $60 US

https://store.inertialcomputing.com/SCSI2SD-V5-1-p/scsi2sd-v5.1.htm https://store.inertialcomputing.com/SCSI2SD-V5-1-p/scsi2sd-v5.1.htm

You might want a few more things along with the basic device (cards, cables, mounting bracket), so it would be a little more, but nowhere close to $170.

billyhayes@mac.com [KurzList]
2018-09-10 04:22:44 UTC
that would defeat the porpuse of removiable media Unless toy had a external SCSI controler, power source, SCSI Cable and a Box to put it in. then you have to format the driver to Hold the most of 4 x 2GB on one card. o buy it alread made https://www.ebay.com/itm/Kurzweil-SCSI-Hard-Drive-Emulator-8GB-memory-card-Samples-Programs-cables/122792977793?_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIM.MBE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D52935%26meid%3D0bcc2639f16c4a829fef5124f91863e3%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D112589294275%26itm%3D122792977793&_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Kurzweil-SCSI-Hard-Drive-Emulator-8GB-memory-card-Samples-Programs-cables/122792977793?_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIM.MBE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D52935%26meid%3D0bcc2639f16c4a829fef5124f91863e3%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D112589294275%26itm%3D122792977793&_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851 But I found a way to format My thumb drive from FAT32 to FAT 16 , So I'm fine now =P
'papabo@citlink.net' papabo@citlink.net [KurzList]
2018-09-10 12:48:21 UTC
ok, I don't know if this is of benefit to this thread, but just in case...
There's a fellow in Australia that developed a floppy replacement called scsi2sd. I am pretty sure that I learned about this device on Kurzlist a few ;years ago, so you can dig through the archives if history matters to anyone.  Version 6 allows one to change the sd card as easily as one would switch our a floppy disk.  It hooks up to the scsi ribbon that is inside the case.  I had to drill a couple of holes for mounting the 3D printed mount, but other than that it has really vastly improved my access to sounds available.  
One can purchase everything needed to make the switch for around $150. Whatever size sd card is employed, partitioned into however many 2gb sections it will hold, can hold THOUSANDS of sounds on each partition.  I have more sounds that I can use on the first 2gb partition of that card, and have nearly three more partitions yet to be needed.  this is so much easier and less expensive than seeking old scsi devices and paying a premium for them.  If one doesn't have a dos machine, a simple, old, functioning windows based laptop can be found for $40 or less that can be used to set up your card with all of your .krz files.  
Water seeks the easiest path.  Be like water. Put that dos machine in the closet until you need to load more sounds.  Play music.  Be happy.  No need to beat yourself up looking for tech kit that is near impossible to find and afford. 
Here are a couple of links:scsi2sd V6 (allows changing of sd media at the floppy slot, on the fly.  NOT version 5.1, which requires opening up the case of the krz to access the sd card)SCSI2SD V6 Rev. F

| $ 98.00 | |


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Mount for this device: 

SCSI2SD v6 (3.5 internal floppy mounting bracket) | eBay

| $ 19.00 | |


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SCSI2SD v6 (3.5 internal floppy mounting bracket) | eBay
Does not include scsi2sd card or, just the mount / bracket! | eBay! | |



Bon chance! RK On Monday, September 10, 2018 1:07 AM, "***@mac.com [KurzList]" <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

  that would defeat the porpuse of removiable media Unless toy had a external SCSI controler, power source, SCSI Cable and a Box to put it in. then you have to format the driver to Hold the most of 4 x 2GB on one card.. o buy it alread made https://www.ebay.com/itm/Kurzweil-SCSI-Hard-Drive-Emulator-8GB-memory-card-Samples-Programs-cables/122792977793?_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIM.MBE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D52935%26meid%3D0bcc2639f16c4a829fef5124f91863e3%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D112589294275%26itm%3D122792977793&_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851 But I found a way to format My thumb drive from FAT32  to FAT 16 , So I'm fine now =P #yiv3681546736 #yiv3681546736 -- #yiv3681546736ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv3681546736 #yiv3681546736ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv3681546736 #yiv3681546736ygrp-mkp #yiv3681546736hd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0;}#yiv3681546736 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billyhayes@mac.com [KurzList]
2018-09-15 07:07:06 UTC
Have you used this set up your self?????
Garth Hjelte garth@chickensys.com [KurzList]
2018-09-14 14:52:30 UTC
SCSI ANYTHING cost a lot o Money for old use stuff. I have a CDROM But it can only read 20% of the CDs I have if that The case I have to pay $170 for a SCSI2SD =/
Yeah, I don't understand the idea that SCSI2SD costs $170.
Looks like it is about $60 US
You might want a few more things along with the basic device (cards, cables, mounting bracket), so it would be a little more, but nowhere close to $170.
MIGHT want? They are mandatory.

The $170 figure he is getting is likely from SamplerZone.com ($149 plus probably International shipping), and can be easily explained (see below). I should say that SCSI2SD is a GREAT invenstment, it's not like a mechanical storage device which breaks comparatively quickly. This will last and last and last, and will serve other things. Plus it's fast and will take care fo you until you die, pretty much.

BTW, the Gotek should work, but as you see it takes a lot of setup work. SCSI2SD does too, but not as much. And it is well put that it's just a floppy - just as slow and yuuch.


These drives come fully set up and ready to go, for the sampler specified and includes the external case, SCSI cable, SD card, full set of instructions - I mean GOOD ONES, not written in gobbity-gook.

The problem with just getting the board is that it ISN'T setup for what you want, and there are so many gotchas that it's well worth having it setup and not having to hassle with it.

As far as cost, you have to get a SCSI cable, likely off eBay, and that's the cable plus shipping. The SD card is about $5. And the external case is exclusive to SamplerZone, small and tidy. Otherwise it's getting a external case that doesn't fit the SCSI2SD board and you have to get a case - and it's just UGLY. When you add up all those tangible costs, it's well over $100, and then all the separate shipping costs, well... The idea behind the SamplerZone SCSI2SD's is convenience and getting the best value. Who really wants to do everything themselves, when you have to collide with the breadth of nuggets of info on the Internet?

Garth Hjelte
Sampler User
billyhayes@mac.com [KurzList]
2018-09-15 06:59:47 UTC
I been in contact with Synthplus he has this https://www.ebay.com/itm/Kurzweil-K2000-SCSI-Hard-Drive-Emulator-w-Samples-Install-Kit-8GB-4-ID-s/112589294275?hash=item1a36d84ac3:g:X1gAAOSw1h5XQe~t and this https://www.ebay.com/itm/Kurzweil-SCSI-Hard-Drive-Emulator-8GB-memory-card-Samples-Programs-cables/122792977793?hash=item1c97082581:g:~ocAAOSwo4pYKz3u .. I want some external so I can Add Programs But I don’t wasn another peice of equiptment hanging off my K2vx. I already Have a SCSI CD and The CDs I bought off ebay 16 years DOn’t realy work well. I like the Idea of 4 x 2 GB partition. But I like this https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/KurzList/conversations/messages/31475 

Matthew Rubenstein email@mattruby.com [KurzList]
2018-09-15 16:24:24 UTC
I bought from SynthPlus several years ago a CompactFlash
reader/writer drive that replaced my K2600XS floppy. It works
perfectly, looked good installed, was priced lower than any advertised
competition, and SynthPlus was fully supportive.
Post by ***@mac.com [KurzList]
I been in contact with Synthplus he has this https://www.ebay.com/
8GB-4-ID-s/112589294275?hash=item1a36d84ac3:g:X1gAAOSw1h5XQe~t and
this https://www.ebay.com/itm/Kurzweil-SCSI-Hard-Drive-Emulator-8GB-m
cables/122792977793?hash=item1c97082581:g:~ocAAOSwo4pYKz3u .. I want
some external so I can Add Programs But I don’t wasn another peice
of equiptment hanging off my K2vx. I already Have a SCSI CD and The
CDs I bought off ebay 16 years DOn’t realy work well. I like the Idea
of 4 x 2 GB partition. But I like this https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/g

billyhayes@mac.com [KurzList]
2018-09-15 20:02:56 UTC
CF reminds Me of the Syquest of the Flash World. But it's good to Know Synthplus has there Drives Right for Kurz. I just hate to keep asking them questions When atm Im on a tight budget =/ So I'll ask You. Is it external SCSI Internal HD replacement? or is it a a floppy bay drive? I seen a Youtube video where he used the HD ribbon and had it going out the back.
Matthew Rubenstein email@mattruby.com [KurzList]
2018-09-16 13:51:21 UTC
I bought a floppy replacement from SynthPlus, but I don't see
that offered on Ebay now. I see hard drive replacements. Those might be
even better (faster), or no different. Synth Plus was very helpful in
answering any questions - you should ask them.
Post by ***@mac.com [KurzList]
CF reminds Me of the Syquest of the Flash World. But it's good to
Know Synthplus has there Drives Right for Kurz. I just hate to keep
asking them questions When atm Im on a tight budget =/ So I'll ask
You. Is it external SCSI Internal HD replacement? or is it a a floppy
bay drive? I seen a Youtube video where he used the HD ribbon and
had it going out the back.
roidelaplage@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2018-09-11 09:06:31 UTC
The Gotek can be flashed with the HxC firmware and should be able to load converted KRZ (.HDE). https://www.hxc2001.com/download/floppy_drive_emulator/support.htm https://www.hxc2001.com/download/floppy_drive_emulator/support.htm

Continue reading on narkive:
Search results for '[KL] Gotek Floppy Drive Emulator' (Questions and Answers)
Copying Floppy Disks using Windows?
started 2020-11-17 08:37:45 UTC