[KL] Wireless MIDI
Matthew Rubenstein email@mattruby.com [KurzList]
2017-10-22 03:37:17 UTC
Hi. I want to replace my MIDI cable that connects my M-Audio
Midiman controller (keyboard) to my K2000 with a wireless device making
the MIDI connection. Is the only solution a Starr Labs AirPower2 or
some other $250 device? I see lots of Bluetooth MIDI devices for $50,
but neither the Midiman nor the K2000 have a Bluetooth interface for
their MIDI signals.
lp@laurencepayne.co.uk [KurzList]
2017-10-22 11:32:06 UTC
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<p><div dir="auto">You won't like the delay inherent to a Bluetooth link.&nbsp;&nbsp;</div></p>


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Matthew Rubenstein email@mattruby.com [KurzList]
2017-10-22 13:54:41 UTC
I don't want a Bluetooth MIDI link. I can't use it anyway.

What I'm looking for is a MIDI link that is wireless in between
two traditional DIN-5 connectors (one at the controller, one at the
synth. The wireless tech doesn't have to be any kind of standard, or
connect more than just 2 devices point to point. But it does have to be
under $60. Does such a thing exist?
You won't like the delay inherent to a Bluetooth link.  
Daniel Forró danforcz@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2017-10-22 17:17:31 UTC
I use one pair of CME WIDI X-8 boxes with my Yamaha WX5 and VL1. Purchased in 2007 (?) but can’t remember how much I paid for it

Range 80 m, 64 channels (32 pairs can work simultaneously), MIDI and USB connectivity, 2.4 GHz ISM. Power supply adapter, USB or batteries.

See details here:

https://www.cme-pro.com/proline/product-detail.php-product_id=8.htm <https://www.cme-pro.com/proline/product-detail.php-product_id=8.htm>

Daniel Forro
Post by Matthew Rubenstein ***@mattruby.com [KurzList]
I don't want a Bluetooth MIDI link. I can't use it anyway.
What I'm looking for is a MIDI link that is wireless in between
two traditional DIN-5 connectors (one at the controller, one at the
synth. The wireless tech doesn't have to be any kind of standard, or
connect more than just 2 devices point to point. But it does have to be
under $60. Does such a thing exist?
Post by ***@laurencepayne.co.uk [KurzList]
You won't like the delay inherent to a Bluetooth link.
Matthew Rubenstein email@mattruby.com [KurzList]
2017-10-22 21:34:30 UTC
No sign of the CME WIDI X8 on the market either. It's weird
that there are several "MIDI for Bluetooth devices" products on the
market, but none that just connect two MIDI DIN-5 devices over the air,
even though the tech did hit the market over a decade ago.
Post by Daniel Forró ***@yahoo.com [KurzList]
I use one pair of CME WIDI X-8 boxes with my Yamaha WX5 and VL1.
Purchased in 2007 (?) but can’t remember how much I paid for it
Range 80 m, 64 channels (32 pairs can work simultaneously), MIDI and
USB connectivity, 2.4 GHz ISM. Power supply adapter, USB or
Daniel Forro
Post by Matthew Rubenstein ***@mattruby.com [KurzList]
I don't want a Bluetooth MIDI link. I can't use it anyway.
What I'm looking for is a MIDI link that is wireless in between
two traditional DIN-5 connectors (one at the controller, one at the
synth. The wireless tech doesn't have to be any kind of standard, or
connect more than just 2 devices point to point. But it does have to be
under $60. Does such a thing exist?
You won't like the delay inherent to a Bluetooth link.  
Daniel Forró danforcz@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2017-10-23 00:16:27 UTC
That's strange
 CME is Chinese firm, I think they react quickly on the needs of market, so probably this product was not successful and production was soon finished.

Maybe time for the new campaign from the side of some small clever firm on some fundraising web page.
But who knows if it can be successful in the case it’s only you who would buy it :-)

Daniel Forro
Post by Matthew Rubenstein ***@mattruby.com [KurzList]
No sign of the CME WIDI X8 on the market either. It's weird
that there are several "MIDI for Bluetooth devices" products on the
market, but none that just connect two MIDI DIN-5 devices over the air,
even though the tech did hit the market over a decade ago.
Daniel Forró danforcz@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2017-10-23 14:35:46 UTC
I have found this, but it’s not cheap:

http://www.juzisound.com/products/midi_wireless_box.php <http://www.juzisound.com/products/midi_wireless_box.php>

Daniel Forro
Post by Matthew Rubenstein ***@mattruby.com [KurzList]
I don't want a Bluetooth MIDI link. I can't use it anyway.
What I'm looking for is a MIDI link that is wireless in between
two traditional DIN-5 connectors (one at the controller, one at the
synth. The wireless tech doesn't have to be any kind of standard, or
connect more than just 2 devices point to point. But it does have to be
under $60. Does such a thing exist?
Post by ***@laurencepayne.co.uk [KurzList]
You won't like the delay inherent to a Bluetooth link.
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Matthew Rubenstein email@mattruby.com [KurzList]
2017-10-23 14:43:49 UTC
Wow, €280 ($330) is pretty steep. Especially when it's promoted
as: "Instead of perfect wireless MIDI, this system have many additional
functions" - haha.
Post by Daniel Forró ***@yahoo.com [KurzList]
Daniel Forro
Post by Matthew Rubenstein ***@mattruby.com [KurzList]
I don't want a Bluetooth MIDI link. I can't use it anyway.
What I'm looking for is a MIDI link that is wireless in between
two traditional DIN-5 connectors (one at the controller, one at the
synth. The wireless tech doesn't have to be any kind of standard, or
connect more than just 2 devices point to point. But it does have to be
under $60. Does such a thing exist?
You won't like the delay inherent to a Bluetooth link.  
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'leman@free.fr' leman@free.fr [KurzList]
2017-10-22 15:32:54 UTC
Some years ago, M-Audio sold MID'AIR, a wireless MIDI connexion. I have
one ( and I'm still using it with a Korg "guitar-keyboard" controler).
Works fine and has a good sensitivity up to 20 meters.
Maybe could you find a used one ?
Matthew Rubenstein email@mattruby.com [KurzList]
2017-10-22 16:59:30 UTC
I haven't found any M-Audio MID'AIR units for sale. It got a
lot of bad reviews, mainly for short battery life (3h) and
unidirectional (only controller to synth).
Post by '***@free.fr' ***@free.fr [KurzList]
Some years ago, M-Audio sold MID'AIR, a wireless MIDI connexion. I
one ( and I'm still using it with a Korg "guitar-keyboard"
Works fine and has a good sensitivity up to 20 meters.
Maybe could you find a used one ?
yakenk@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2017-10-23 02:37:45 UTC
You are looking for something like this?

https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-legacy-wireless-wifi-midi-product#/ https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-legacy-wireless-wifi-midi-product#/
Jon Hartmann jphartmann@sbcglobal.net [KurzList]
2017-10-23 02:55:53 UTC
Lads..I have a dumb question..why not buy a 25' f-ing midi cable?

On Sunday, October 22, 2017 7:37 PM, "***@yahoo.com [KurzList]" <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

  You are looking for something like this?

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Matthew Rubenstein email@mattruby.com [KurzList]
2017-10-23 11:22:51 UTC
Well, when I'm dumb enough to put the controller and synth 26
or more feet apart, snaked around other equipment, or I move one or the
other of them more than a few feet, or when I trip over the cable...

And if the device connects more devices than just the two,
that's a lot more flexible. The golden age of wireless...

On Mon, 2017-10-23 at 02:55 +0000, Jon Hartmann
Post by Jon Hartmann ***@sbcglobal.net [KurzList]
Lads..I have a dumb question..why not buy a 25' f-ing midi cable?
You are looking for something like this?
Roi de la plage roidelaplage@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2017-10-23 12:53:12 UTC
I tested the MidAir devices from a keytar to control an expander. Not very satisfied as when moving few feet from the receptor, I had signal cuts as well as MIDI hanged notes.I'm using the Widi X8 devices that is much more stable. Can move around about 200 feets without noticeable delay nor any cuts. Good things also is that the design of the transmitter allowed me to transplant it directly inside the keytar, powered by the keytar, therefore no midi cable or cigarette size box in the pocket !
If your need is only static, I believe MidAir would work fine though.
De : "Matthew Rubenstein ***@mattruby.com [KurzList]" <***@yahoogroups.com>
À : ***@yahoogroups.com
Envoyé le : Lundi 23 octobre 2017 13h22
Objet : Re: [KL] Re: Wireless MIDI

  Well, when I'm dumb enough to put the controller and synth 26
or more feet apart, snaked around other equipment, or I move one or the
other of them more than a few feet, or when I trip over the cable...

And if the device connects more devices than just the two,
that's a lot more flexible. The golden age of wireless...

On Mon, 2017-10-23 at 02:55 +0000, Jon Hartmann
Post by Jon Hartmann ***@sbcglobal.net [KurzList]
Lads..I have a dumb question..why not buy a 25' f-ing midi cable?
You are looking for something like this?
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Matthew Rubenstein email@mattruby.com [KurzList]
2017-10-23 11:17:28 UTC
Well, assuming that a second PUC can attach to the synth (their
pitch just says PUC to controller, over Wifi to tablet), the two cost
$158 (and after promotion $258). Wifi components cost about $10-30, so
these markups are really high. At least the PUC exceeding its
kickstarter goal might indicate there's a real market for real mass
production and competition to bring prices down.
Post by ***@yahoo.com [KurzList]
You are looking for something like this?