[KL] Replacement Keyboard Suggestions
donald.sealer@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2017-10-26 12:58:02 UTC
Hello everyone. Im the guy who has the k2500 with "the blue screen of death". Still hoping that I'll find a replacement part to bring my keyboard back to life, but making plans for an "afterlife".
With that in mind I'm looking for suggestions for a keyboard that would have many of the same features as the k2500. Looking for something under 1K. I'm not giging anymore just recording in my little studio. I miss all the options my old keyboard gave me. I'm putting together a wishlist for purchases next year and a replacement keyboard is one of the top purchases.
If you don't mind I'd like to ask for suggestions from anyone who's willing to give me one.
Jon Hartmann jphartmann@sbcglobal.net [KurzList]
2017-10-26 15:17:24 UTC
why not buy a used instrument in good condition..K2500 can be had for $500

On Thursday, October 26, 2017 5:58 AM, "***@yahoo.com [KurzList]" <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

  Hello everyone.  Im the guy who has the k2500 with "the blue screen of death".  Still hoping that I'll  find a replacement part to bring my keyboard back to life, but making plans for an "afterlife".With that in mind I'm looking for suggestions for a keyboard that would have many of the same features as the k2500.  Looking for something under 1K.  I'm not giging anymore just recording in my little studio.  I miss all the options my old keyboard gave me.  I'm putting together a wishlist for purchases next year and a replacement keyboard is one of the top purchases.If you don't mind I'd like to ask for suggestions from anyone who's willing to give me one.Thanks,Don.....  #yiv7270756304 #yiv7270756304 -- #yiv7270756304ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv7270756304 #yiv7270756304ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv7270756304 #yiv7270756304ygrp-mkp #yiv7270756304hd 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mghall@frys.com [KurzList]
2017-10-26 19:26:30 UTC
You can get a used PC3 fairly cheap sometimes on Craigslist. I got my
PC3LE for under $600 last year. Most of the concepts you learned on the
K2500 should transfer over; some of the details changed of course. It's
great to have USB instead of floppies! Keep your K2xx manuals; they can
still be useful for the PC3/Forte/Artis. Most (all?) of the recent models
will try to load your K2000 programs and setups, if you need to bring
across your own creations.

Good luck!
Post by ***@yahoo.com [KurzList]
With that in mind I'm looking for suggestions for a keyboard that would
have many of the same features as the k2500. ...
Rex Shaw rexshaw06@gmail.com [KurzList]
2017-10-27 13:57:00 UTC
Blue Screen
Have you tried removing the batteries and waiting a few minutes then reinstalling new batteries?
Battery backed RAM can get corrupted

dan@theluthers.net [KurzList]
2017-10-27 18:03:07 UTC
Hi Don,

Any possibility of describing the options you have installed in your K2500, like a hard drive, ROM expansions or P/RAM? Also, what have you done so far to track down the issue? Something like what you're describing, I'd want to make sure the panel lights flash on power-up (so the scanner is known good), and then start looking at voltages coming out of the power supply.

If the lights blink when you power on the unit, try holding down the "Enter" button while turning the program wheel to see if there's any visible text -- this is how you can change the contrast voltage during startup.

Next, completely remove all installed options (if installed) I mentioned earlier and try booting the unit. If still no love, look at the power supply. The K2600 group has the service manual for the K2500 and the process for checking and calibrating the power supply (which you'll need to do if you ever put in a KDFX).

As far as suggestions for a good replacement, this is where things get really subjective and reliant on your genre of music; if it were me I'd look at the Nord Stage EX or Nord Stage 2, which seem to be the closest equivalents for "replacing" a Kurzweil, then the Korg Kronos.