[KL] Does anybody know how to hack an sp6 to play .mid files?
5aj2zphglgahhws47kqor7iiceugkldry6oml6pq@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2018-01-12 01:56:04 UTC
Hello. I'm a newbie. I've asked the Kurzweil tech support people, and they tell me that the sp6 cannot play .mid files loaded onto it. I countered by pointing out that the sp6 plays demo songs, which I assume are .mid files. Then, the reply was essentially "well, maybe in the future". So, my suspicion is that the demo files are stored in a "demo" folder, and the key combination to play the demos simply directs the sp6 to play successively the files in the "demo" folder.

My wife won't let me simply try my hunch: connecting the sp6 to my computer might show the storage folders on the sp6 and allow me to drag a file from my computer to the "demo" folder. Has anybody tried to access the sp6 storage that way? Or does anybody have any other hacks to get the sp6 to play user loaded .mid files? Thanks, Dennis
Jon Hartmann jphartmann@sbcglobal.net [KurzList]
2018-01-12 02:52:05 UTC
does it have Midi or just USB?

On Thursday, January 11, 2018 6:26 PM, "***@yahoo.com [KurzList]" <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

  Hello. I'm a newbie. I've asked the Kurzweil tech support people, and they tell me that the sp6 cannot play .mid files loaded  onto it. I countered by pointing out that the sp6 plays demo songs, which I assume are .mid files. Then, the reply was essentially "well, maybe in the future".. So, my suspicion is that the demo files are stored in a "demo" folder, and the key combination to play the demos simply directs the sp6 to play successively the files in the "demo" folder.

My wife won't let me simply try my hunch: connecting the sp6 to my computer might show the storage folders on the sp6 and allow me to drag a file from my computer to the "demo" folder. Has anybody tried to access the sp6 storage that way? Or does anybody have any other hacks to get the sp6 to play user loaded .mid files? Thanks, Dennis  

#yiv9598220181 #yiv9598220181 -- #yiv9598220181ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv9598220181 #yiv9598220181ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv9598220181 #yiv9598220181ygrp-mkp #yiv9598220181hd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0;}#yiv9598220181 #yiv9598220181ygrp-mkp #yiv9598220181ads {margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv9598220181 #yiv9598220181ygrp-mkp .yiv9598220181ad {padding:0 0;}#yiv9598220181 #yiv9598220181ygrp-mkp .yiv9598220181ad p {margin:0;}#yiv9598220181 #yiv9598220181ygrp-mkp .yiv9598220181ad a {color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv9598220181 #yiv9598220181ygrp-sponsor #yiv9598220181ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv9598220181 #yiv9598220181ygrp-sponsor #yiv9598220181ygrp-lc #yiv9598220181hd {margin:10px 0px;font-weight:700;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;}#yiv9598220181 #yiv9598220181ygrp-sponsor #yiv9598220181ygrp-lc .yiv9598220181ad {margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv9598220181 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david3day@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2018-01-12 09:42:42 UTC
Hi Dennis

Your assumption about them being .MID files is very probably flawed. So you may be out of luck, until Kurzweil offer an official answer.

The K2500 has a sequencer which loads "song objects" - they are RAM objects, yes, but they are not .MID. Sure, you can import/export them as .MID - but that does not mean the internal layout is the same at all.

Similarly to your SP6, there are "song objects" burned into the ROM of the PC3 too. How I wish they were just "in a folder" - so I could delete them! An empty machine would be better for us pro's. At the very least they should have been an optional "object", not burned in.

Kurzweil if you are listening, let's drop compulsory ROM "song" objects. They have no use past the point of selling the machine.
5aj2zphglgahhws47kqor7iiceugkldry6oml6pq@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2018-01-12 21:40:14 UTC
Thanks! Making them ROM objects instead of midis is strange to me, and I hope Kurzweil listens to you!
5aj2zphglgahhws47kqor7iiceugkldry6oml6pq@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2018-01-12 21:52:34 UTC
Thanks! It has both USB and midi ports, but, as david3day wrote, the sp6 probably can't play .mid files. dennis
Raven Clemons clemonsraven@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2018-01-12 14:43:55 UTC
On Fri, 1/12/18, ***@yahoo.com [KurzList] <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Subject: Re: [KL] Does anybody know how to hack an sp6 to play .mid files?
To: ***@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, January 12, 2018, 11:42 AM


Hi Dennis

assumption about them being .MID files is very probably
flawed.  So you may be out of luck, until Kurzweil offer an
official answer.

The K2500
has a sequencer which loads "song objects" - they
are RAM objects, yes, but they are not .MID.  Sure, you can
import/export them as .MID - but that does not mean the
internal layout is the same at all.

Similarly to your SP6, there are "song
objects" burned into the ROM of the PC3 too.  How I
wish they were just "in a folder" - so I could
delete them!  An empty machine would be better for us
pro's.  At the very least they should have been an
optional "object", not burned in. 

Kurzweil if you are listening,
let's drop compulsory ROM "song" objects. 
They have no use past the point of selling the machine.

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Nicolae Ceausescu isi subordoneaza total partidul comunist. - Se constituie Sindicatul Liber al Oamenilor Muncii din Romania.1979ian. - Invazia trupelor vietnameze in Cambodgia. - Prabusirea regimului monarhic si instaurarea unui regim fundamentalist in Iran.12 | 3
mghall@frys.com [KurzList]
2018-01-13 03:44:02 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.com [KurzList]
I've asked the Kurzweil tech support people, and they tell me that the
sp6 cannot play .mid files loaded onto it.

Yep, reading the manual, I don't see any indication that it will import a
MIDI file. Some of their instruments do; others do not.

For example, my PC3LE will not load intonation tables or velocity maps or
pressure maps or drum pan objects. That's just the way that Kurzweil made
it. I understand the justification - the "LE" was the "low entry" model,
so some features are locked out. The SP6 is a "stage piano" and maybe they
don't think it needs to load SMF files. It's a new model - they may yet
add the ability to import a MIDI file. If everyone asks nicely ...
Post by ***@yahoo.com [KurzList]
I countered by pointing out that the sp6 plays demo songs, which I
assume are .mid files.

They are not. The song object in the PC6 is in Kurzweil's own format, just
like the format of the program, and setup (multi), and all the rest of
their objects. It's likely very close to the format they use in all the
PC3* Forte* Artis* instruments.
Post by ***@yahoo.com [KurzList]
So, my suspicion is that the demo files are stored in a "demo" folder,
No, they're probably stored in flash memory as data. Each one is a
separate "object". Here's the start of a listing of them:

$ more sp6.song
SP6X101.KOBJ 7971592
Type ID Size Num Category Name
Song 1 3696 New Song
Song 2 14368 Pop & Country
Song 3 23912 Rock & Funk
Song 4 12692 Late Bloomer
Song 5 57144 AOR Landscape
Song 11 11928 Chopin-Fantasie
Post by ***@yahoo.com [KurzList]
... connecting the sp6 to my computer might show the storage folders on
the sp6 and allow me to drag a file from my computer to the "demo"
folder. Has anybody tried to access the sp6 storage that way?

There shouldn't be any harm in trying. Page 6-8 in the manual give the
procedure to load a file by doing exactly that. (minus the demo folder.)
If the SP6 likes it, it will take it; if not, then it will probably
complain. I've given the PC3LE lots of files that it doesn't like and
it's still OK! :-)

Also, for some reason I find it easier to use a thumb drive instead of a
USB cable.
Post by ***@yahoo.com [KurzList]
Or does anybody have any other hacks to get the sp6 to play user loaded
..mid files?

See if you can _save_ a song object, then see if you can load it back in.

If you are wanting to load a few specific MIDI files, then some people can
probably help convert them (by importing into a PC3 or Forte and storing
as a song object).
5aj2zphglgahhws47kqor7iiceugkldry6oml6pq@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2018-01-13 04:06:35 UTC
Thanks for the info! Dennis
