[KL] K2500X aftertouch
jw_dewdney@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2017-12-21 03:43:49 UTC
Hi folks! i'm finding the aftertouch on my K2500X requiring a LOT of pressure (too much) to actually initiate -and then the level is very unstable going to my emu sampler that I'm using this as a controller for. Is there any way to control this from software - or will i need to get my hands dirty? Does anyone know of any mods for improving aftertouch sensitivity? thanks
werner schoenenberger sinserli@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2017-12-21 05:09:05 UTC
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Hi folks! i'm finding the aftertouch on my K2500X requiring a LOT of pressure (too much) to actually initiate -and then the level is very unstable going to my emu sampler that I'm using this as a controller for. Is there any way to control this from software - or will i need to get my hands dirty? Does anyone know of any mods for improving aftertouch sensitivity? thanks‹>
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david3day@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2017-12-21 10:33:21 UTC
On the Master pages there are velocity and pressure mappings.
In MIDI mode Xmit there are also velocity and pressure mappings for outgoing messages.

May I assume you have explored these?
Jon Stubbs jonstubbs@q.com [KurzList]
2017-12-27 17:02:27 UTC
There are some pots to adjust sensitivity,
and adjusting them might help stabilize the output.
The good news is that they don't require you to
open the unit. If you look on the bottom, near
the wheels assembly you'll see some holes.
In those holes are some small pots that are
mounted on that circuit that can be adjusted
with a small screwdriver.

You'll have to consult a service manual to see
which pot does what.
Post by ***@yahoo.com [KurzList]
Hi folks! i'm finding the aftertouch on my K2500X requiring a LOT of pressure (too much) to actually initiate -and then the level is very unstable going to my emu sampler that I'm using this as a controller for. Is there any way to control this from software - or will i need to get my hands dirty? Does anyone know of any mods for improving aftertouch sensitivity? thanks