[KL] cleaning button contacts on K2500s
jon kirch jonkirch@comcast.net [KurzList]
2018-05-06 18:42:22 UTC
I use a K2500s ( that's the 76 key model) great rig ... all rom updates etc.

Recently the numeric buttons have been acting slowly at times. Sometimes
I have to rock the numeric buttons to get them to register for example.
Other times I find just holding them down for a bit * instead just
clicking * will work

My sense is that the contacts need to be cleaned since the rig is around
20 years old * but never been out of the studio.

How difficult is this? I've replaced the keyboard rubber contacts a few
times ... but never dug deeper than that

Gordonjcp gordon@gjcp.net [KurzList]
2018-05-06 20:50:53 UTC
Post by jon kirch ***@comcast.net [KurzList]
I use a K2500s ( that's the 76 key model) great rig ... all rom updates etc.
Recently the numeric buttons have been acting slowly at times. Sometimes
I have to rock the numeric buttons to get them to register for example.
Other times I find just holding them down for a bit * instead just
clicking * will work
My sense is that the contacts need to be cleaned since the rig is around
20 years old * but never been out of the studio.
How difficult is this? I've replaced the keyboard rubber contacts a few
times ... but never dug deeper than that
You can't really clean the contacts, you just replace the switches. Do
them all, because they're a total pain in the arse to get to.
Alex Gotesman agotes99@aol.com [KurzList]
2018-05-06 21:20:00 UTC
I have the button panel board as well as many other Kurzweil parts
Email me if interested ***@aol.com

Sent from my iPhone
Post by jon kirch ***@comcast.net [KurzList]
I use a K2500s ( that's the 76 key model) great rig ... all rom updates etc.
Recently the numeric buttons have been acting slowly at times. Sometimes
I have to rock the numeric buttons to get them to register for example.
Other times I find just holding them down for a bit * instead just
clicking * will work
My sense is that the contacts need to be cleaned since the rig is around
20 years old * but never been out of the studio.
How difficult is this? I've replaced the keyboard rubber contacts a few
times ... but never dug deeper than that
You can't really clean the contacts, you just replace the switches. Do
them all, because they're a total pain in the arse to get to.
Jon Hartmann jphartmann@sbcglobal.net [KurzList]
2018-05-06 22:07:36 UTC
i also have a K2500Sallow me to suggest a stupid, dumb, but potentially worthwhile solution.often, a button will be worn on one side of the contact...maybe somebody was left handed?they may retain sweet spots where they still work?that being said..I had the keypad replaced.. with the ones that are original..i hit them on the far left side of the button.as I said..this may not address your issue

On Sunday, May 6, 2018 2:20 PM, "Alex Gotesman ***@aol.com [KurzList]" <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

  I have the button panel board as well as many other Kurzweil parts Email me if interested ***@aol.comThanks 

Sent from my iPhone
Post by jon kirch ***@comcast.net [KurzList]
I use a K2500s ( that's the 76 key model) great rig ... all rom updates etc.
Recently the numeric buttons have been acting slowly at times. Sometimes
I have to rock the numeric buttons to get them to register for example.
Other times I find just holding them down for a bit * instead just
clicking * will work
My sense is that the contacts need to be cleaned since the rig is around
20 years old * but never been out of the studio.
How difficult is this? I've replaced the keyboard rubber contacts a few
times ... but never dug deeper than that
You can't really clean the contacts, you just replace the switches. Do
them all, because they're a total pain in the arse to get to.

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Antoine Clequin antoineclequin@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2018-05-06 22:58:22 UTC
Hi There, 
  I'd just follow Gordonjcp ***@gjcp.net advice.I own both a k2600xs and a k2500 AES, I've disassembled both of them and many others for repairs as well as simple clean-ups. I'm in the process of doing some upgrading on my k2500AES so it's completely disassembled right now. You can't really clean up the contacts on those boards, best is to order new ones from ebay or somewhere else and replace them and might as well replace them all while you're at it so you don't run into that issue again. It 'll work like brand new after that. You'll need to know about soldering cuz' it needs to be done neatly.
   On another note I also replaced all those micro contacts on a Korg Polysix because it had the same problem as the one you're having, and it worked great after I replaced them.
   Any other questions feel free to ask, I'll help if I can.
   Best regards...
On Sunday, May 6, 2018, 2:42:28 PM EDT, jon kirch ***@comcast.net [KurzList] <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

I use a K2500s ( that's the 76 key model) great rig ... all rom updates etc..

Recently the numeric buttons have been acting slowly at times. Sometimes
I have to rock the numeric buttons to get them to register for example.
Other times I find just holding them down for a bit * instead just
clicking * will work

My sense is that the contacts need to be cleaned since the rig is around
20 years old * but never been out of the studio.

How difficult is this? I've replaced the keyboard rubber contacts a few
times ... but never dug deeper than that

