[KL] Using K2000 as both controller and sound module - setups, quick acccess and other weirdness
bagaeta@fastmail.fm [KurzList]
2018-01-08 00:24:50 UTC
I am now ready to incorporate my K2000 (61keys) in my live rig, but I'm finding it difficult to do what I want to do, which needs a little explanation.

I am using the K2000 as the top keyboard, with a Nord Stage 2 at the bottom. I also want to use a pad controller to trigger some samples from the K2000

The whole rig is controlled from an iPad using OnSong, which displays charts and also sends MIDI program changes to the Nord and the K2000 with each song change through an iConnectMIDI interface.

For most songs, the K2000 is acting as controller to play sounds from the Nord. On some songs it plays internal sounds, and on some songs I split the keyboard with some keys playing K2000 sounds and some playing Nord sounds. So I need to use Setups for this on the K2000, and in order to be able to select Setups via MIDI program changes from the iPad I have to be in Quick Access mode. So far so good.

The issue is with the pad controller, which sends on Channel 10. I would like to be able to also change the sound on Channel 10 on the K2000 with MIDI program change messages from the iPad, or as part of the Setup change. But a Setup seems to be only for changing how the K2000 transmits MIDI, not how it receives it. In Quick Access mode, changing Setup doesn't affect what sound plays when receiving notes on MIDI channel 10. That seems to be controlled from the Channels page of the MIDI section, but in Quick Access mode the Channels page does not respond to MIDI program change messages. Within a Setup there is also no way to set up a Zone as "MIDI receive-only" so that it plays in response to an external controller but not in response to the K2000 keyboard. One workaround for that may be to set the pad controller to send MIDI notes that are outside of the K2000's keyboard range, like C9-G9, but I haven't tried it yet, as I would have to sacrifice one of the 3 setup zones for this. I keep on thinking there may be a more elegant solution.

Am I missing something? Any suggestions?

dan@theluthers.net [KurzList]
2018-01-08 01:18:31 UTC
Hi Bruno,

If you're using the iPad to control everything, make sure you have local control set to "off" on your gear. That way the keyboards/pads are all transmitting MIDI data only to the MIDI output port, and the iPad is doing what it does to filter/route to the appropriate MIDI channel/port.
Post by ***@fastmail.fm [KurzList]
The issue is with the pad controller, which sends on Channel 10. I would like to be
able to also change the sound on Channel 10 on the K2000 with MIDI program
change messages from the iPad, or as part of the Setup change. But a Setup
seems to be only for changing how the K2000 transmits MIDI,
not how it receives it.
Uhhh huhhh...
Post by ***@fastmail.fm [KurzList]
Within a Setup there is also no way to set up a Zone as "MIDI receive-only"
so that it plays in response to an external controller but not in response to
the K2000 keyboard.
When you set your keyboard to "local off", this should take care of your issue. With "local on", you're probably also experiencing "note doubling" as the keyboard is sending MIDI messages to the internal tone generator, but so is the iPad.

I know there's a MIDI message you can send to set your K2000 into Setup mode, since the buttons also generate MIDI messages. It's in the manual somewhere...
bagaeta@fastmail.fm [KurzList]
2018-01-08 02:38:14 UTC
I am not sending any MIDI through the iPad - I don't trust the iPad enough to do all the MIDI filtering without latency (it's a pretty old model). The iPad just sends the program changes out. The iConnectMIDI is multi-port and is preconfigured with all the routing and filtering I use. So the K2000 OUT is routed directly into the Nord IN and vice versa (I want the option of playing some K2000 sounds from the Nord keyboard in the future), and the pad controller OUT is routed into the K2000 (channel 10 Notes only). The iPad OUT (program and bank changes only) is routed into the Nord and the K2000 (plus my vocal fx box, which also receives MIDI notes from the Nord).

But I could turn the K2000 local off and set up a MIDI loop and filter in the iConnectMIDI so that only specific MIDI channels are routed back to the K2000. My only worry there would be latency for the round trip, probably not a big issue.

Thank you for the heads up about switching to Setup mode using sysex for button presses. OnSong allows sending some fairly complex sysex strings when changing songs, so that could offer an alternative to program change messages. Will investigate...

popeye ste monsieur_ste@yahoo.fr [KurzList]
2018-03-23 12:11:43 UTC
I'm a K2000 user and I'm looking for new sounds since my 4.3Go hard drive crashed :/ I still own plenty of sounds (>2Go) and would like to exchange them for new sounds with other users. Let me know would you be interested.
Le lundi 8 janvier 2018 à 03:40:57 UTC+1, ***@fastmail.fm [KurzList] <***@yahoogroups.com> a écrit :

I am not sending any MIDI through the iPad - I don't trust the iPad enough to do all the MIDI filtering without latency (it's a pretty old model). The iPad just sends the program changes out. The iConnectMIDI is multi-port and is preconfigured with all the routing and filtering I use. So the K2000 OUT is routed directly into the Nord IN and vice versa (I want the option of playing some K2000 sounds from the Nord keyboard in the future), and the pad controller OUT is routed into the K2000 (channel 10 Notes only). The iPad OUT (program and bank changes only) is routed into the Nord and the K2000 (plus my vocal fx box, which also receives MIDI notes from the Nord).

But I could turn the K2000 local off and set up a MIDI loop and filter in the iConnectMIDI so that only specific MIDI channels are routed back to the K2000. My only worry there would be latency for the round trip, probably not a big issue.
Thank you for the heads up about switching to Setup mode using sysex for button presses. OnSong allows sending some fairly complex sysex strings when changing songs, so that could offer an alternative to program change messages. Will investigate...

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