[KL] K2000 Wheel and Buttons Suddenly Got Disabled During Gig
mike_roland@hotmail.com [KurzList]
2018-02-08 01:24:37 UTC
During today's gig, I was trying to mute one of the layers of 090 Hybrid Sweep since the 2 layers together got out of tune, but the Mute 1 button wouldn't light up. I tried hitting Exit but that button wouldn't work either. The wheel and other buttons that allow you to scroll thru sounds wouldn't work! Luckily I was able to keep 199 Grand Piano. I powered the keyboard off for a few seconds and when it came back on, I was able to get to only a handful of sounds by using the Chan/Bank button. The only other buttons that would light up were Disk and Effects. I vaguely recall something like this happening before many years ago, but I don't have any notes handy that I can go to quickly to determine how it was fixed if this happened before. The pedal and volume still work fine.
dan@theluthers.net [KurzList]
2018-02-08 03:28:36 UTC
Hi Mike,

This does sound a lot like a hardware problem.

Do all the LEDs on the panel flash on and off when you power up your keyboard? Can you hit the "Exit" button right when you power up and enter the boot diagnostics, spin the wheel and arrows to select various options?
winking_n_nodding@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2018-02-08 22:01:43 UTC
On the K2000, you must enter the boot loader screen, from there you enter the main engine diagnostics, not from a held EXIT button as used on the K2500 up. You hold 1, 2 ,3 down; then turn on power, wait a second and release 1, 2, 3.

4, 5, 6 was scanner diagnostics, either held form power up, then using the LEDs in 8 bit binary code read or after a normal power up, then using the LCD.

6, 7, 9 was a scanner wake up command.

*, 0, # buttons was a forced reset command, handy for resetting the power up calibration if your wheels or pedals assignments were off because you had stepped on the sustain pedal or moved the pitch wheel during power up. This is faster than turning off and on, and does not require reloading of samples, etc.
Alex Gotesman agotes99@aol.com [KurzList]
2018-02-11 21:27:54 UTC
I have all k2000 and k2500 parts
Feel free to email me if you need anything

Sent from my iPhone
Post by ***@theluthers.net [KurzList]
Hi Mike,
This does sound a lot like a hardware problem.
Do all the LEDs on the panel flash on and off when you power up your keyboard? Can you hit the "Exit" button right when you power up and enter the boot diagnostics, spin the wheel and arrows to select various options?