[KL] K2600X Cosmetic Damage or More?
y2kk2y@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2017-11-28 16:31:24 UTC
I ordered a Kurzweil K2600X in extremely good condition at a very good price from a music big box store (mistake #1 I guess :-) I received it yesterday and the poor box was battered and even open by a couple of inches in some spots. Anyway, this beautiful Kurzweil K2600X with barely a scratch (except on the bottom - expected with use) now has three of the four corners broken away in chunks. It does boot up so that is a plus.

My concern is that the dozen or so chunks of broken end cap and the nearly two dozen smaller chips of broken end cap lead me to believe it was beat to heck and basically free-falling into whatever object it was dropped on along the 800 mile journey it traveled.

I would like to know what the thoughts are.... should I keep this keyboard or is there a risk there could be additional problems coming since it was repeatedly smashed into whatever?

I opened the battered box and discovered the keyboard and some bubble wrap. The keyboard was wrapped in a one to three layers of bubble wrap, specifically the ends were basically in one layer of bubblewrap and otherwise no protection (personally I expected to see styrofoam or some type of protection in the corners at the least). There was a thin piece of particle board~ 2' long that had about 1/4" actually outside of the box on one end where the box was so battered that it was falling apart. I suspect the particle board was there at one point for support.

I noticed several chunks of plastic in the bubble wrap as I unwrapped the keyboard and many more smaller chips of plastic scattered about. With the keyboard fully unwrapped I could now see the two front corners and one of the rear corners has large areas where the metal frame is exposed due to the missing plastic.

The high key sticks slightly - I believe this is due to what is left of the plastic now putting pressure on the key. On the other end the pitch wheel rubs slightly against the plastic, again I think this is due to the pressure of the remaining plastic and is correctable with slight pressure at which time both wheels feel buttery smooth.

Thanks in advance, I appreciate any thoughts / insight into this picture.
Bruno brunorc@gmail.com [KurzList]
2017-11-29 06:30:38 UTC
I can only say that making a wooden side panels for K2600 is not that
difficult, so if you decide to keep it, that's what I would suggest. I did
it for my K2600s, which was I bought half price because of chipped corner
next to the power block.
Post by ***@yahoo.com [KurzList]
I ordered a Kurzweil K2600X in extremely good condition at a very good
price from a music big box store (mistake #1 I guess :-) I received it
yesterday and the poor box was battered and even open by a couple of inches
in some spots. Anyway, this beautiful Kurzweil K2600X with barely a
scratch (except on the bottom - expected with use) now has three of the
four corners broken away in chunks. It does boot up so that is a plus.
My concern is that the dozen or so chunks of broken end cap and the nearly
two dozen smaller chips of broken end cap lead me to believe it was beat to
heck and basically free-falling into whatever object it was dropped on
along the 800 mile journey it traveled.
I would like to know what the thoughts are.... should I keep this
keyboard or is there a risk there could be additional problems coming since
it was repeatedly smashed into whatever?
I opened the battered box and discovered the keyboard and some bubble
wrap. The keyboard was wrapped in a one to three layers of bubble wrap,
specifically the ends were basically in one layer of bubblewrap and
otherwise no protection (personally I expected to see styrofoam or some
type of protection in the corners at the least). There was a thin piece of
particle board~ 2' long that had about 1/4" actually outside of the box on
one end where the box was so battered that it was falling apart. I suspect
the particle board was there at one point for support.
I noticed several chunks of plastic in the bubble wrap as I unwrapped the
keyboard and many more smaller chips of plastic scattered about. With the
keyboard fully unwrapped I could now see the two front corners and one of
the rear corners has large areas where the metal frame is exposed due to
the missing plastic.
The high key sticks slightly - I believe this is due to what is left of
the plastic now putting pressure on the key. On the other end the pitch
wheel rubs slightly against the plastic, again I think this is due to the
pressure of the remaining plastic and is correctable with slight pressure
at which time both wheels feel buttery smooth.
Thanks in advance, I appreciate any thoughts / insight into this picture.
y2kk2y@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2017-11-30 01:20:39 UTC
I noticed some of those for sale online.. I think I will buy some for either this keyboard or it's replacement.

Do you think the keyboard could have handled that trip without damage beyond the cosmetic end-cap damage?


Nick Zampiello newallianceeast@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2017-11-29 05:47:10 UTC
I've had instruments show up like this.  The USPS employee  was nice and refused to let me sign for it.  because once i did it was on me.  if you bought this from a real webstore you should be able to get a refund.  if they are legit they will write it off or something and send you a replacement.  i would definitely demand one if they couldn't even ship it to me properly.  on ebay i have taken to immediate refunds for anything that was not well packed when shipped to me.  I just have no time to dick around with people who don't care.  you shouldn't have to either! ;-D  if they don't refund you or replace we can all go over there and rough then uP! ;D 


New Alliance East - Mastering
New Alliance East - Facebook

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On Tuesday, November 28, 2017, 7:19:02 PM EST, ***@yahoo.com [KurzList] <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


I ordered a Kurzweil K2600X in extremely good condition at a very good price from a music big box store (mistake #1 I guess :-) I received it yesterday and the poor box was battered and even open by a couple of inches in some spots.  Anyway, this beautiful Kurzweil K2600X with barely a scratch (except on the bottom - expected with use) now has three of the four corners broken away in chunks. It does boot up so that is a plus. 

My concern is that the dozen or so chunks of broken end cap and the nearly two dozen smaller chips of broken end cap lead me to believe it was beat to heck and basically free-falling into whatever object it was dropped on along the 800 mile journey it traveled. 

I would like to know what the thoughts are....  should I keep this keyboard or is there a risk there could be additional problems coming since it was repeatedly smashed into whatever?


I opened the battered box and discovered the keyboard and some bubble wrap. The keyboard was wrapped in a one to three layers of bubble wrap, specifically the ends were basically in one layer of bubblewrap and otherwise no protection (personally I expected to see styrofoam or some type of protection in the corners at the least). There was a thin piece of particle board~ 2' long that had about 1/4" actually outside of the box on one end where the box was so battered that it was falling apart. I suspect the particle board was there at one point for support. 

I noticed several chunks of plastic in the bubble wrap as I unwrapped the keyboard and many more smaller chips of plastic scattered about. With the keyboard fully unwrapped I could now see the two front corners and one of the rear corners has large areas where the metal frame is exposed due to the missing plastic. 

The high key sticks slightly - I believe this is due to what is left of the plastic now putting pressure on the key. On the other end the pitch wheel rubs slightly against the plastic, again I think this is due to the pressure of the remaining plastic and is correctable with slight pressure at which time both wheels feel buttery smooth. 

Thanks in advance, I appreciate any thoughts / insight into this picture. 

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y2kk2y@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2017-11-30 01:19:05 UTC
I can return it for full refund at a local store... I hate to specify what company but lets use the initials GC to simplify it all. .... box, bubble wrap, tape, and shipping label - all set, ugh.

I really like the price and would love to keep it but my gut instinct would be to take it back as there is no telling how many times it bounced. I can see the metal frame behind each end cap is slightly bent in a smallish area. That said, it boots and plays fine ( low voltage 0.0 notification on boot but I suspect not related)...

the only thing I have noticed that may be out of character so far is when changing from one sound to the next there is an odd in-between sound that matches parts but also neither. I believe I read this is normal so there is that..

I would like to keep it but I do have the option to return it.. is there anything I can do to reduce the concern of an underlying problem lurking behind the next corner? I plan to open it up and verify the boards and cabling look firmly in place.. I do not know if/how/what to check for the key bed / sensor components or if I should return it and start my search back over?