[KL] Buying a used K2600x - what are the common pitfalls?
Bruno brunorc@gmail.com [KurzList]
2017-11-26 18:24:56 UTC
Hi all,

I'm going to buy a used K2600x to replace my K2600s and my Fatar
StudioLogic SL-880 at the same time - the complexity of my setup is simply
too big to manage everything from the Fatar keyboard, especially since it
has a kind of "write only" interface.

Anyway, I would like to avoid a nasty surprise, so I'm asking you for some
hints - what too look at, what to check, what to be wary of. While my
K2600s was relatively cheap (300€), so I wasn't really picky, this one is
double that price, thus I really want to make sure I'm not getting a lemon.

I will appreciate all answers, stories from the trenches etc.

Thanks in advance,

Jon Hartmann jphartmann@sbcglobal.net [KurzList]
2017-11-26 18:30:40 UTC
check to see if rapid key up produces a thud/clanking sound. there are small rubber bumper/grommets that muffle the sound of key up..they are expensive to replace..some folks have said they have the parts..but it's labor as well.

On Sunday, November 26, 2017 10:25 AM, "Bruno ***@gmail.com [KurzList]" <***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

  Hi all,

I'm going to buy a used K2600x to replace my K2600s and my Fatar StudioLogic SL-880 at the same time - the complexity of my setup is simply too big to manage everything from the Fatar keyboard, especially since it has a kind of "write only" interface.

Anyway, I would like to avoid a nasty surprise, so I'm asking you for some hints - what too look at, what to check, what to be wary of. While my K2600s was relatively cheap (300€), so I wasn't really picky, this one is double that price, thus I really want to make sure I'm not getting a lemon.

I will appreciate all answers, stories from the trenches etc.

Thanks in advance,

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Bruno brunorc@gmail.com [KurzList]
2017-11-27 21:51:38 UTC
The one I got turned out to be a K2600xs in the skin of K2600x, because it
has the sampling option, as well as Orchestral & Contemporary ROMs. It
seems that its only downside was the battery at 0.0, but that's an easy
thing. I'm not sure about the small ribbon - it wasn't making any changes
to the few sounds I tried, but then again, I could live without it. The
keybed was replaced few years ago and feels very nice, although doesn't
even get close to Fatar SL-880. I wonder if it would be technically
possible to move the keybed from SL-880 to K2600x... I paid €600, which
seems a decent price to me, and soon I will probably be looking for a new
owner for my K2600s.

Quest completed!


Post by Jon Hartmann ***@sbcglobal.net [KurzList]
check to see if rapid key up produces a thud/clanking sound.
there are small rubber bumper/grommets that muffle the sound of key
up..they are expensive to replace..some folks have said they have the
parts..but it's labor as well.
Hi all,
I'm going to buy a used K2600x to replace my K2600s and my Fatar
StudioLogic SL-880 at the same time - the complexity of my setup is simply
too big to manage everything from the Fatar keyboard, especially since it
has a kind of "write only" interface.
Anyway, I would like to avoid a nasty surprise, so I'm asking you for some
hints - what too look at, what to check, what to be wary of. While my
K2600s was relatively cheap (300€), so I wasn't really picky, this one is
double that price, thus I really want to make sure I'm not getting a lemon.
I will appreciate all answers, stories from the trenches etc.
Thanks in advance,
dan@theluthers.net [KurzList]
2017-11-28 02:21:47 UTC
The one I got turned out to be a K2600xs in the skin of K2600x, because it has the sampling option, as well as Orchestral & Contemporary ROMs.
Score! The sampling option is the exact same card as the 2500 series, but the ROM option board is $$$ expensive on the 2600 series. All you need now is the rare and valuable vintage electric piano (ROM4) module; the Wurlies, Rhodes, RMIs and Pianets are very masterfully done.
I wonder if it would be technically possible to move the keybed from SL-880 to K2600x...
That might be a stretch. I think the SL880 uses the Fatar TP/40GH keybed while the K2600X (I've heard) uses the TP/10M. You'd have to do some investigating to see if the connectors and AT strips are the same, or could be adapted. Mounting holes aren't an issue (drill and M3 sized bit), and the depth/height seem very similar from Fatar's site. Some claim the K2600 cannot support the TP/40 series of keybed for some reason related to the OS. I've often had the reverse thought of acquiring a K2600 and attempting the installation of a Fatar TP/9S-76 keybed as it's my favorite (in my Roland A-70 controller).

So, you came away with a fairly well loaded K2600XS for €600, with a new keybed to boot. How awesome is that?
winking_n_nodding@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2017-11-28 04:30:35 UTC
At TP10 and 40 use the same contact boards and mono pressure strips, same connectors too. Both will plug directly. The Key frame has different mounting points. I believe the diodes on the contact board are installed the same polarity, if not just use the contact board off the old TP10.

Since there are physical length and travel difference between a sharp and a natural key, the key scan program is tweaked by engineering to balance velocities and feel. Since a TP 10 key and a TP40 both have the same shape and length and both have the contact actuators in the same spot and use the same contacts, they will be similar and very playable.

Overall dimensions are very similar too. Drill some holes and plug and play.
dan@theluthers.net [KurzList]
2017-11-28 05:33:52 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.com [KurzList]
and both have the contact actuators in the same spot and use the same contacts, they will be similar and very playable.
Would it be possible to remove the contact boards from the TP10 and reuse them in the TP40, just to keep the electrical specifications constant for the scanner board?
winking_n_nodding@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2017-11-30 01:30:00 UTC
They are identical. Very early had a different 4 wire jumper between, but no issue if you swapped or used both.