[KL] Strange K2000 keyboard behavior
phillycraigslister1999@gmail.com [KurzList]
2017-10-30 23:18:57 UTC
Hi all-

I've had a K2000 for about a year now and after moving a few times I finally have the time to dig in and try to learn the ins and outs. I'm having a weird issue with the keyboard as well as the navigations and editing buttons.
If I play sounds on the keyboard via MIDI from my computer everything plays fine. If I use the K2000 keyboard to play sounds they will play for a little bit and then when I press keys nothing happens and then they come in again and then they go out again etc. etc. etc.
Similarly when I am using the navigation and edit buttons they will work, and then not, and then work and then not etc. etc.
Any ideas? I've done a factory reset and no love. It almost seems like when using the keys and buttons the K2000 starts okay and then gets backed up or bottle necked and it stops working and then it clears and starts working again.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
