[KL] Midiboard faders replacement - parts?
jp.geersing@xs4all.nl [KurzList]
2018-08-02 07:51:57 UTC
Hi all,

I want to replace the faders of my Midiboard because the metal sticks connected to the sliders are getting loose. I also miss two of its caps. Hard to find the exact partnumber in the schematics and also on the pcb. I found this https://www.instrumentalparts.com/d51002001.html#tab-4 site but maybe someone has another tip to buy some new old stock?

Thanks in advance!



Picture of Midiboard faders (7 in total): https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqMbkemveqKPxxJyEXIO6kETL0Vp https://1drv.ms/u/s!AqMbkemveqKPxxJyEXIO6kETL0Vp
Laurence Payne lp@laurencepayne.co.uk [KurzList]
2018-08-02 16:04:23 UTC
maxinzinger@yahoo.de [KurzList]
2018-08-03 05:54:22 UTC
i have sadly no MidiBoard but the Slider of my Prophet VS has a Slider button that looks
similar. Maybe have a look for those on Ebay there are often some available.

jp.geersing@xs4all.nl [KurzList]
2018-08-04 09:24:56 UTC
Good tip, thx.
soir_noirneko@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2018-08-05 02:49:00 UTC
I was once told the site Mouser (electronic parts) may have some that could be used as replacements when the original sliders are past saving. I made a mental note of it since my Midiboard is missing 2 sliders, but I haven't gotten around to identifying which part could actually work yet (I want to see if I can successfully deal with some problem areas of rust on the internal metal framework of my Midiboard first- seems a previous owner may have spilled a cup of water on it some time ago. When I have dealt with that I can refocus on sliders so am curious what all comes up in this discussion). Also I think there was one person who once managed to replace Midiboard sliders with new LED sliders, though the only documentation I can find at the moment regarding that particular quest is a forum page that seems to be discussing the potential of such: http://www.electro-music.com/forum/post-289623.html http://www.electro-music.com/forum/post-289623.html
jp.geersing@xs4all.nl [KurzList]
2018-08-06 10:44:53 UTC
Thanks for the info soir_noirneko. I prefer the original look but nice idea to use led-faders.

I may have found replacement faders at Alibaba https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/60mm-travel-length-with-shaft-L15C_60241555968.html?spm=a2700.8443308.0.0.426c2364d50lGM. Not sure yet if they will fit exactly but it looks very close.

But still prefer some new old stock and hope to find them here at this forum ;-)