[KL] K2500(Rs) Digital I/O board: KDFX kit & non-KDFX version differences?
max@wolfborder.fi [KurzList]
2017-07-14 13:05:17 UTC

My recent purchase of a KDFX expansion kit from eBay for my K2500Rs left me with this dilemma: I bought the kit used yet in a working condition; it seemed to arrive with all the necessary stuff: the board, the SIMM with the two chips that are required for the daughterboard - all cables, screws, nuts and bolts were there, even the KDS output board was included. My Kurz seemed to be all set for the upgrade since I had the necessary PLD chip upgrades, all Sound ROM's, RAM+P/RAM upgrades, OS+Objects done and so forth.

However, upon looking more closely at the installation instructions, I noticed that although I already have a Digital I/O board installed in my K2500Rs (the small board that has the AES 2x XLR I/O + optical out), the KDFX expansion installation manual clearly states that I should replace the existing Digital I/O board with a version of the Digital I/O board that came with the KDFX kit.

Sadly, this small detail was something that I found from the KDFX installation manual only after I received the KDFX kit; the seller had indeed stated that the KDFX-version of the Digital I/O board is _not_ included, so yep, it's my bad that I didn't check the KDFX installation guide prudently enough as for the Dig-I/O board part.

The question is: what is the actual difference between the original Dig-I/O Board for non KDFX-K2500(Rs) models compared to a version that is included with the KDFX expansion? If I install the KDFX expansion, can I just use the current Digital I/O board that I have or is it a risk for the unit? How about if I don't use one at all - since I don't use it now, It's not really an issue to leave it unplugged?

From what I've tried googling and seen pictures, the digital I/O board that comes with a KDFX expansion seems to be near-identical to the existing Digital I/O board that I have, in some pictures of the KDFX kit, the only visible difference seems to be the color of the PCB. The one I have installed in my Non-KDFX K2500Rs has a light-brown circuit board, in some photos the DigI/O board included with the KDFX kit is green. Although, even that seems to be vague as in some photos the DigI/O board has the same color.

So, what's the actual difference between the boards? Any harm of using the one I already have or not using one at all?

All help kindly appreciated. Thanks a lot in advance, once again.

dan@theluthers.net [KurzList]
2017-07-19 05:00:14 UTC

Seems to be the season for K2500R owners to install KDFX boards!

I was in the exact same situation this evening, and can confirm the stock digital audio board works just fine with the KDFX.