[KL] Kurzweil MIDI Volume Pedal
wghman@comcast.net [KurzList]
2018-01-10 00:05:19 UTC
PC, Windows 7, K2600 keyboard controller

My DAW is Cubase 9. This question pertains to volume control within various Kontakt libraries.
When using, for instance Spitfire Symphonic Strings, I run the volume bar to the MAX, and create variance with the mod wheel. The volume bar is fixed and not affected by the dynamics of the mod wheel.

Attempting the same process with a Kurzweil MIDI VOLUME PEDAL, the volume bar is affected, moves with the sweep of the pedal, but the full on, pedal to the metal position only brings the volume bar up halfway.

How can I make the pedal give me full range...0 to 127? What am I missing?

Warren Hartman
david3day@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2018-01-10 00:14:01 UTC
Depends on the mode you are in.
In "Program Mode", edit the "Control Setup" as listed on the Master Page.
In "Setup Mode" the active setup will have its own settings.
Navigate through the SetUp > Edit pages to the controller you are using - you say MIDI Volume pedal? Do you mean CC Pedal? Or MIDI Controller? You need to find that controller. Just check you are not scaling the pedal, or offsetting its value.
Check using MIDI OX that you are getting the MIDI message to the PC - just check 0, 127 are getting through.
If it's not that, you are into Kontact settings.
david3day@yahoo.com [KurzList]
2018-01-10 00:17:57 UTC
Correction - the Control Setup is on "MIDI Transmit" page in MIDI Mode, not Master.